Last updated : 10 August 2002




| What is STAR ? | STAR’s Objective | Scope | STAR Methodology | Profile of A Star Facilitator | Approaching The Schools |

| STAR Classroom Management | The STAR Syllabus | The STAR Evaluation |5.1 SAMPLE LESSON PLAN1|

What is STAR?
The Student Training in Attitude and Responsibility, in short pronounced as STAR is rather a unique and special training course as a whole compared to any other motivation or self-improvement programme. The STAR programme is being launched now in various schools mainly focusing on poor and weak students from the national curriculum examination classes. The STAR programme moulds a students attitude to understand and fulfill their responsibility to themselves, their parents, teachers, friends, nature and GOD. The STAR programme which was initially only conducted at Sek.Men.Keb.Sultan Abdul Samad (SAS),Petaling Jaya, beginning year 1999 has now influenced many other schools in Malaysia to adopt this student training programme, having seen the tremendous improved examination results of the SAS (1999) students. The successful formula used at SAS for 3 consecutive years, like motivational talks, camps and tuition lessons, are now being implemented in a much improved manner to cater weak and problematic students to produce similar results as students of SMK Sultan Abdul Samad, Petaling Jaya.

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STAR’s Objectives
 ‘Real education should enable one to utilize the knowledge one has acquired to meet the challenges of life and to make all human beings happy as far as possible’………Sri Sathya Baba

The essence of education is the concentration of the mind and not the collection of facts. The type of knowledge that is imparted to the students at school nowadays concentrates mainly towards bookish knowledge. The end of the education lesson plan at secular education system stops at the level of superficial and general knowledge. General knowledge cannot be acquired by mere study of books. It is learnt from the book of life. Education should open the minds of the students whereby fundamental knowledge is reached. Before proceeding to the level of fundamental knowledge one has to cross over the knowledge of discrimination. Then all the knowledge gained is put to practice.

Knowledge as such is changeless and eternal. It is therefore called practical knowledge. The fundamental knowledge that comprises spiritual knowledge is greater than both practical knowledge and general knowledge. Fundamental knowledge enables one to recognize the unity of all creation. One must realise the unity in multiplicity. One must be able to accept pain and pleasure as gifts of God. So, this should be imparted along with the secular education. ( Adapted from Divine Discourse delivered by Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba on the occasion of the First Conference of Sri Sathya Sai Schools Worldover, 20 th November 2001)

The STAR programme sessions is specially designed and planned to reach a common objective of real education (Refer to Diagram-1).Each and every student will be exposed to the programme modules which has aims in improving students academic results and character building. STAR will be a catalyst to build the power of discrimination amongst the students and thus, lead them to practical knowledge and finally to fundamental knowledge. Nevertheless every student has his or her very own ability into adapting and learning new study skills as well enriching their souls with noble thoughts at their own pace of time.

Surveys say that students with low academic performance and character development seem to contribute a lot to the cause of today’s negative behavioral patterns around the world. Therefore the STAR lesson plans includes not only effective study methods for the weaker minds but also simultaneously blends activities on human values for the head, heart and hands (3HV) to function together in becoming a worthwhile human being. As these students follow through the lessons on a weekly basis together with the daily school timetable, gradually they will be able to witness changes within themselves mentally, physically and socially. As the end result, the STAR programme will be able to produce students who can:

Constantly yearn to succeed

Develop self –confidence and positive character

Realise the importance of education in life

Use effective study techniques in accordance to their own ability.'What the head thinks, should be examined critically in the heart and this right decision should be carried out by the hands. This should be the primary product of the educational process.'



Academic Excellence
 Students who fail to perform well academically cannot continue carrying a label saying "I am weak or I am a drop-out in every field". These students do have and face some form of difficulties in their learning habits but definitely have equal capacity and ability to absorb any form of knowledge with the help of special learning techniques. With proper techniques and guide they will be able to change their learning methods and gradually improve their grades. Anyway students as such, cannot be exposed to these methods for a short period but need constant training of the mind. These students must be trained to occupy their thoughts with positive vibration at all time in order to realize the importance of education and achieve academic excellence.

The STAR programme creates many opportunities for weak students to learn to control their mind for beneficial results and 'untrain' the mind to get rid of negative thoughts. The mind is therefore prepared for the individual to use anyway he or she wants to for the well being of themselves and also others. In short, the mind is cleansed with positive ideas to become a better person as a whole. In the long run, these students will experience an increase in memory power, to stay focused, to visualise the reality and a stronger mind which will directly improve their concentration while studying. These students are then catered with extra classes (tuition) in subjects they are weak at. When the mind is ready to absorb the bookish knowledge, these students are able to use the techniques introduced to them while studying and gradually show improvement in their grades.

"Education should be regarded as a process by which character is improved, one’s mind sharpened, and by which one learns to use one’s intelligence for distinguishing right from wrong. All of this will necessitate three essential qualities – discipline, devotion and duty. Only when the students acquire these qualities, will they become useful to society. Moreover, if one does not possess ordinary common sense, one will be counted as a fool, however educated one might be." 

Sathya Sai Baba

Character Excellence
 A random survey conducted by interviewing, school headmasters or headmistresses and also counsellors, proofs that low academic achievers seem to be one of the main causes of disciplinary problem breakouts. Students who are able to develop a positive outlook of themselves and everything around them seem to gradually initiate and increase the importance of education in their life. Wherelse, students without a strong character and a stable mind, are swiftly being dragged into the world of violence and misses a life of a normal student.

The STAR programme is tactfully designed to build positive character throughout a students life.They build a character of their own for a better future.They realise their talents and ability through sessions like story telling, debates,forums, group activites,team building games, etc ( Refer diagram 2). These sessions carry very deep values directly and indirectly for these students to learn and thereafter start practicing in their daily life. At the end of the day,these values well practised makes up excellence in Character.

Sri Sathya Sai says,

Sow a seed of good thought,

Reap a harvest of good action;

Sow a seed of good action,

Reap a harvest of good habit;

Sow a seed of good habit,

Reap a harvest of good character;

Sow a seed of good character,

Reap a harvest of good destiny.


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The STAR training programme was initially planned only to be conducted for the weak and low esteemed students in major examination classes, from form 4 and 5 (upper secondary 4 and 5) of the national schools. Ideally the objective of the STAR programme was to train Form 5 low academic achievers only. Considering the need of the programme from various schools, now the STAR programme has expended it’s scope to the following chronology:

i. Form 5 - very low academic achievers

ii. Form 5 - students of any level of academic achievement

iii. Form 4 - very low academic achievers

iv. Form 4 - students of any level of academic achievement

v. Any group of students depending on the request made by the school authority.

All the modules or lesson plans are designed to cater it's benefits for all races. The lessons do not touch on any form of sensitive racial issue or trigger any form of discomfort for any student.

STAR Methodology
 The STAR programme promises every student not only academic excellence but also character excellence (Refer diagram 2). This is achieved only by using special methodologies to tackle common problems arising in a student's mind as well as in a student’s life. All techniques used carries different objectives but ultimately build a stronger person as a whole spiritually. All the techniques require students to fully participate with the guide of the teachers or trained facilitators. There are 5 main techniques or methodology used in STAR which result character excellence. These are also the techniques, which later helps every student directly and indirectly in their academic achievements.

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The evolution of the 5 teaching techniques is as explained below:
1. Mind Dynamics Exp: Silent Sitting, Visualizing Students are taught in a scientific manner, to further enhance his/her own mental capacity and understanding.
2. Contact with consciousness Exp: Quotation, Poems, Positive Affirmations Students elevate consciousness and realise that there is divinity within. They create love for God and all around them. They start realising that everything around them is ONE and not many.
3. Character crafting Exp: Stories on heroes, Saints Students learn values from examples portrait by others. They start choosing role models as a source of inspiration.
4.Life Games Exp: Group Activity, Team Building Games. Brings about fun and adventure in dealing with the ups and downs of a student's life. Students try to exhibit their ability and hidden talents.
5.Music & Creativity Exp: Songs Students are exposed to music and the world of entertainment at reality. Therefore music is used to bring about positive thoughts rather than as a negative influence.

Thus are the 5 techniques - the path to allow the students to experience a change in their thought, attitude and character along the STAR programme.


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Methodology for Academic Improvement
The STAR programme module pinpoints much on the usage of positive vibrated thoughts. The mind of the students need to be explored by themselves to understand that by controlling the mind they can achieve almost anything in life especially high academic recognition. This thus is attained through guided activity like:

i. Usage of left and right brain

ii. Mind mapping

iii. Mind Dynamics

Now when the mind is under control and is prepared to take in information, theories, new skills etc. the students are exposed to;

i. Effective study methods

ii. Time management

iii. Goal setting

All these skills are constantly introduced and stressed during tuition classes and human value classes. The methodology of STAR as a whole is flexible and can be changed to suit the target group that the teachers or facilitators have to approach. What is important here?

It is the involvement of the students. This truly depends on the skills of the facilitators to attract these students towards what they are trying to relate and participate in all the activities wholeheartedly. This is where the role of the facilitator comes in. Through the way they present the ideas, students must realize that they lack some important value in life and are prepared for a change to attain academic and character excellence.


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Profile Of A STAR Facilitator
The STAR facilitator takes on a daring challenge when he or she takes the responsibility to become a facilitator who has to guide students academically simultaneously build a strong character. How does he or she take on this task that seems so daunting? The secret lies in the effort of the facilitator. The STAR facilitator has to understand problems faced by students at present age.

The facilitator must be alert of the rapid changes taking place at the present schooling environment. Thereafter the facilitator has to also win the love, admiration and respect of the students. They must be able to motivate students at every lesson with valuable thoughts to reach for the stars - 'Stars in God's Heaven' (Sathya Sai Baba). Therefore the facilitators should be deep rooted in upholding the highest values and be able to adapt to the terrain of the modern students.

Personality of A STAR Facilitator

A facilitator is a person whom the students can come and reach out to at anytime. A facilitator must be mentally prepared himself/herself to always be there when the students need them. Therefore the requirement for a STAR facilitator is not much of a difference. The STAR facilitator too must always be mentally fit, physically healthy and socially balanced. He/she has greater responsibilities to carry the students for theybecome role models, mentors source of inspiration, heroes or family members to the students involved in the STAR programme. Some of the requirements and the responsibilities for an effective STAR facilitator

a) Understanding the trend of the modern students.

b) Get exposed to the lifestyle of the present young generation like listening to the pop song, watch movies, surf   -   the net, play video games etc.

c) Be sensitive with the ever-expanding range of attitude and activities of students

d) Be good listeners

e) Develop respect and love for the students

f) Encourage open communication and practice of confidentiality

g) Offer activities to express inner talent through art, music and other skills.

h) Demonstrate that spirituality works in the outside world (be role model)

In order to take up and fulfil all these requirements and responsibilities as facilitator one has to undergo some personal treatment cum training himself- personal level sadhana (Refer diagram 3) Personal level sadhana well practiced leads to changes in external behaviour of a facilitator (Refer diagram 3)



Diagram 3

Selected Teaching Aids
The 5 main techniques used in STAR - Mind Dynamics, Contact with Consciousness, Music N Creativity, Character Crafting and Life Games are powerful ingredients that need to be imparted to the students. However, it becomes the duty of the facilitator to deliver these in a much exciting, fun and creative manner.

Below here are some of the recommended tools that could be occupied to add some energy during lesson time.

Ice breakers







Multimedia Presentation (Video, TV, Computer)



Case Studies

Win, Lose or Draw


Cartoon, Comic Strips, Picture Cuttings

Self Directed Learning


Mind Mapping


The facilitators should be flexible and versatile for the learning process of the student's to be successful. This aim can only be accomplished when a facilitator ventures into creating their own lesson plans, ideas, teaching aids etc.

The Art Of Facilitation
Facilitation, synonymous with training, is the core duty of a facilitator to achieve the objectives of a session, activity or lesson conducted. It is a skill that requires continuous development, flexibility and versatility.

Facilitation covers a whole wide spectrum of roles from:











Brother / sister, etc;

Handling a group of students who differ in many areas like academic, family, mentality, race, character, emotions, mind set, lifestyle, etc. may sound troublesome. To help cross-there are some common do's and don’ts a facilitator can obey to ease the situation in reaching out to the children.

Do's and Don'ts
Create a friendly environment - smiling, joking, and sharing experiences.

Short silent sitting

Expending a lesson step by step (Facts -issue involved - values relating)

Very good listener and pay attention to all.

Acknowledge everyone's opinion and input

Constant encouragement and opportunity given

Remembering names and birthdays

Ask questions

Remain calm and patient

Focus discussion to the topic

In control of the too dominant type of student

Prepare lessons before hand

  Being totally in control

Deliver contents strictly to achieve objectives

Expressing own views

Expressing judgmental comments or using judgmental

language - "you said" or "you did"

Drift to far away from topic of discussion

Attached with a particular individual or group







A complete facilitation session involves debriefing after a lesson or activity. A facilitator has not fulfilled his or her responsibility if the debriefing is not completed. Debriefing is a detailed discussion on what transpired during the activity. Important facts about a debriefing session?

i) Why is debriefing important?

Activities like experiential learning games build inward-reflectionon an experience.

Formulates and stores certain concrete ideas or values.

Generates positive thoughts and affirmations to take home with after a lesson.

ii) How to conduct debriefing sessions?

Throw questions that can invoke deep thinking and understanding on a matter.

Focus intensely on the meaning and objective of a game or activity but minimise the instructions of a game. The nature of instructions must be short, straight forward and simple.

Promptly guide the students but always give them ample opportunity to generate meaningful conclusions, hence later end a session with your own opinions and observations in short.

Keep the discussion flowing and terminate the discussion when all major points have been highlighted. In short, the STAR facilitator has an insurmountable task of promoting the objectives of STAR (Refer 2.0 Objectives of STAR). The facilitator obviously here is the bridge between the programme and the students concern.

The facilitator drafts a future for the students to live blissfully. The students go home with a value filled mind in order to pursue a positive lifestyle.

The facilitator can achieve any high ideals , provided they are co-operative well disciplined, soaked in service and sacrifice, and fully determined to succeed

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Approaching the Schools
The very first step that we need to undertake in the STAR programme is to approach the schools where we intend to implement the STAR Programme. There are few important elements that we must make sure that our approach with the school will succeed.

1. Identify the school that we intend to approach

2. Make an appointment with the principal or the head of the school

3. Prepare all supporting materials e.g. Concept paper on STAR, STAR Syllabus, Previous Success Stories and also the Organization Profile whereby the service and education oriented activities should be highlighted.

4. Approach, the school, with a professional and positive outlook

5. Introduce our organization.


Identifying The School

The STAR programme could be started with the schools where: -

The Sathya Sai organization has build a bond or connection.

Schools that have problems in handling low achievers, especially in exam classes.

A school which has a Sai devotee as a teacher

Schools where the administration is familiar and aware of the STAR programme. Explanation on the STAR programme should be made stressing the benefits the students will gain in terms of character and academic excellence.


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Classroom management is an important aspect in a teaching environment. A facilitator’s role in a classroom plays an integral part in classroom management. A facilitator must know what is their role and how it is going to be done. First let us get a cognitive view of the facilitator’s role.

1. Capitalize on intrinsic motivation

Facilitators must be able to do this so that the students are always motivated to know more and to concentrate in the class. Facilitators must tap issues that motivate students to try harder.

2. Make it meaningful

Everything that a facilitator teaches must be meaningful to the students and to the facilitators as well. This will ensure that at the end of the lesson everyone has learned something that is meaningful to him or her.

3. Facilitate discovery learning

Facilitators should always let the students to learn by discovering something new (discovery learning). By doing this the students will be more interested and involved in the learning process.


To facilitate discovery learning, facilitators should use certain methods in order to make the discovery session possible. One of the methods is that of Bruner and Bigge’s suggestions for structuring discovery session. A facilitator’s roles in this session are:

1. Emphasize contrast

By emphasizing contrast, students will be able to differentiate between issues or situations. This will help the facilitators to encourage the students to discover something new or form an opinion regarding any issues.

2. Invite students to compare different people, events, ideas & solutions

In this way, the students will be able to direct their attention to certain issues that are being discussed. Students also will be thinking on questions like how, why, and so on.

3. Stimulate informed guessing

To do this the facilitators should present a problem to the students and then provide information how to solve it. So this will make sure that the students will not be frustrated but will be able to direct their attention to the information given in order to come up with a solution.

4. Encourage participation

Encouraging student’s participation can be done by asking them to engage in provocative activity or discussion. This will give them a boost of energy to agree or disagree on certain issues that can be related to them.

5. Stimulate awareness

Facilitators should encourage the students to think how to attack a problem, where to get information’s and check the hypothesis made.

6. Switch subject matter

Facilitators must allow students to conclude when a point is sensible then provide alternate views to that point. This will encourage the students to think of different solutions or points.

7. Permit mistakes

Facilitators should also allow students to see the problem the wrong way, or come to false conclusions and then ask them why the error has occurred. Some of the issues that face the students today, especially for those who are in their adolescence are as stated below. These issues can become the discussion topic and provide an avenue for the students to express their views and learn something new. The issues are:

- Physical Changes

- Relationship With Parents

- Peer Pressure

- Interest In The Opposite Sex

- Image

- Self -Esteem

There are two type of development that the facilitators should carry on in their class.




a. Concrete Operation In this, students concentrate on logical thinking. Activities that are carried out are hands-on activities. The discussion also focuses on the events that they can relate to.

b. Formal Operation The type of thinking emphasized here is hypothetical and abstract thinking

a. Self-Identity In this stage the adolescent choose the values, beliefs and goals in life.

b. Identity Redefinition and Refinement In this stage, the adolescent make self-reflections and changes




One important part of classroom management is MANAGING STUDENTS BEHAVIOUR. Some of the aspects that a facilitator should look into are:

1.)Creating a conducive classroom environment

In order to do this, the facilitator must always be fair, listens to the students, be caring and have positive contacts with the students.

2.) Inculcating habits of self-discipline and a sense of self-responsibility.

Facilitators should look into managing emotions that are shown during the class hour by the students. They should promote responsible behaviour that will instill self-discipline and self-responsibility.

3.) Reinforce Good Behaviour

Facilitators should praise and recognize the little successes that the students achieve. By doing this, the students will be spurred to achieve more success.

4.) Convey Clear Expectations And Enforce Consequences

This is very important so that the students will understand the rules and know that will happen if it is not followed. The rules and routines must be made clear to the students. The facilitator must always act in a fair, firm and consistent manner to enforce the rules.

5.) Understand the causes of disciplinary problems

In order to do this, the facilitator must look beyond the misbehaviour of the student. Facilitators should acquire techniques to deal with the misbehaviours. They should focus on the inappropriateness of the act. They can also elicit the support of parents in dealing in this matter. Facilitators should have regular and positive communication with the parents and the students.

6.) Responding to students misbehaviour

One of the techniques that a facilitator must know is how to respond to misbehaviour. A facilitator should first respond to misbehaviour by giving warning and cautions to the student. This will then be followed by actions that are firmer and sterner. Facilitators should establish a plan of escalating actions so that the actions that are taken are consistent and firm. They should also avoid escalating the problem or conflict that occurs. If the plan of action does yield any result, then help from the staff can be seek. The main important aspect in dealing with misbehaviours is to establish control in the classroom.

7.) Enforcing consequences fairly

This is another technique that a facilitator should know while dealing with misbehaviours. To enforce consequences fairly, here means, to reprimand the students or to carry out punishment that befits the rule broken. First the facilitators should define the misbehaviour to the student. Then facilitators must have a discussion with the student regarding the misbehaviour. While doing this, facilitators should commend on the students maturity. Facilitators should give some time for the students to improve and the implementation of the consequences must be done in a calm and consistent manner. If there is any improvement in the student’s behaviour, they must be given some feedback on the improvement made. Facilitators must always review the consequences of the misbehaviour and if there are no improvements they should discuss on having stiffer consequences.

Implementation must be done according to the misbehaviour and consequences.

8.) Avoiding power struggles

Power struggles are common in a classroom where the students are new or unfamiliar with the facilitator. Facilitators must always be aware of the power struggle that might happen in their class. Facilitators must be able to take care of their of themselves emotionally. They should ignore student's initiation of a power struggle. However they should acknowledge students feeling in any matter. To solve this conflict they should privately acknowledge that there is a power struggle with the student concerned. By doing this, facilitators should not embrace into submission but solving the issues behind the power struggle.

nother very important aspect of classroom management is MOTIVATING STUDENTS. This aspect can be divided into five different components. They are:




Creating interest among the students is very important to motivate the students. This can be done by having meaningful material and activities. The facilitators should also change the style of presentation and content to interest the students. Variety in the style of learning and tone of presentations will also increase the interest among the students. Inclusion of the students in the activities also helps a lot in this matter.

Level of concern

Facilitators must have certain level of concern to their students. This level of concern goes beyond mere interest on the student’s achievement. By showing concern, facilitators should emphasize the need to learn, practice and participate in the students. However this level of concern should be moderate and must not make the facilitator attached to certain students only. If necessary the level of concern can be altered to stimulate effort in the students. This can be used as a tool in motivating students.

Feeling tone

Facilitators should be aware of the feeling tone of the students. The feeling tone can be pleasant, unpleasant or even neutral. By being aware of the feeling tone, the facilitators should try to balance the feeling tone of the students in the classroom. This will help to create an environment conducive for motivating the students.

Knowledge of results

Facilitators should always know how they are doing in regard to results and achievement in certain activities. Knowing how we are doing is better than finding out in the end. Knowledge of result by the facilitator should be done in a constructive manner so that it will motivate the students to try harder to achieve the results. In order to achieve this, facilitators can provide regular and graduated information on how are the students doing. The results set for the students can be in parts and then gradually, the whole result intended.


When the success of the group increases, the motivation level of the members also increases. This can be used to motivate the students. The higher the level of difficulty the more the experience of success will be. So the facilitators can give out short tasks that can give the group success and in turn increases the motivation to try a tougher challenge. This will then prompt the students to help completion and with the completion success will eventually follow.

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The STAR Syllabus
aving fully understood the intact purpose of this noble project STAR (Student's Training in Attitude And Responsibility), one must have been truly inspired to be part of this Divine task.
Knowing the fact that values/knowledge that will be imparted to pupils comes from within and not denying the truth that the greatest 'tool' is the teacher oneself……however, "is that enough?" "Can we just stand in front of the class and speak whatever that comes to the mind?" "Can we ensure a smooth flow of lesson then?" "Are we actually ready?"

Well, maybe some of us are.. but as the saying goes..."Prior Preparation and Planning Prevent Poor Performance".

Being a facilitator/teacher one must be fully prepared before entering the class - "The Will To Win Is Important, But The Will To PREPARE Is Vital". Therefore it can concluded that ‘Lesson Plan’ plays a fundamental role in ensuring a smooth flow of lesson and thus it can be called as the 'heart' of the STAR Programme. Here are some tips on preparing a good lesson plan:



>> To rekindle the latent Talent in each student

>> To build Self Confidence

>> To shift from " Impossible Possible"

>> To create a Fun , Dynamic & Enthusiastic environment.

>> To mould pupils Thought, Word & Deed based on 5HVs.


a.) The teacher must first have a thorough understanding of his own mind before trying to understand the minds of the students.

b.) If the teacher's mind is good, the students will reflect it in their behaviour. Since the teacher cannot see the student's mind, he has to understand it only by observing the student's behaviour.

c.) The teacher should observe and analyse the student's behaviour with that of his parents, his friends and his fellow students. Basing on this, he will be able to lead the student on to the right path.

d.) The teacher must have a full understanding of the lesson that will be taught, this can only be obtained when one, first practises and then teaches the same to his students. So when we want to teach good principles to students, first we practise and then set an example, hence values will be imparted to students with greater impact.


Lesson Plans should focus on 2 main areas:

1. 'Character Excellence'

2. 'Academic Excellence'.

Lessons Plans to be tailor-made to pupils' need (eg. age group, language used-level of understanding, common problem faced, etc.)

"I hear and I forget.

I see and I remember.

I do and I understand."

- Confucius  -

How true, lessons should be made interesting and fun filled, relating to the 5 methodologies. (Explained in length in the following pages of this manual).


 >> Education In Human Values

 >> Silent Sitting : Mind Dynamics

 >> Quotation : Contact With Consciousness

 >> Stories : Character Crafting

 >> Group Activity : Life Games

 >> Songs : Music & Creativity



 >> Free Tuition

 >> Effective Study Methods

 >> Skill Development Lessons

 >> Goal Setting

 >> Mind Mapping

 >> Time Management

 >> Usage Of Left & Right Brain

 >> Team Building Games


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OBJECTIVE     : This lesson helps pupil to recognize special characteristics in themselves thus pupil will be more aware of themselves.
>> Start the session with guided visualisation. (steps are given )
>> The teacher is to tell the story and ask students to identify the values and relate to it. Tell pupil how they can put those values into practice in their everyday life in many different circumstances and situations.
C. Contact With Consciousness - "ALL ABOUT ME"
>> Objective: Pupil will recognize special characteristics in themselves
D. Life Games – "THE WORLD OF ME" [RECAP]
>> Objective: Pupil will be more aware of themselves

>> Emphasize with positive statements only. Tell pupil that they can do it if they try a little harder. Tell pupil that everyone has come for a purpose and to use it for the good of themselves in the present and the future.


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